Written well - nice introductions and tie ins, great flow and interesting, factual accounts noted.
Amazon Review
Great read about doing the right thing, it’s not always easy and in some cases like this one you have to pay the consequences. But in the end if you have integrity like Gary, you move forward and do it
Amazon Review
Great read! A book California Lottery players should read and be aware of.
A well documented true story of the abuse of power, corruption and failure to hold accountable those who the public hold trust in..
Mr. Galbreath did a very good job of sharing facts about his tenure with the California Lottery. It took guts and strong moral obligation to tell the tale.
Well done!!
Amazon Review
This is a compelling story with not a happy ending government is corrupt and whistleblowers are not protected, although Reid was vindicated for his wrongful termination, his career was ruined and lottery is still getting away with no checks or balance. What shines in this story is the lottery officers who tried to do the right thing the lawful thing, the integrity and compassion, I really felt their pain and truly hope they know that doing the right thing even if it didn't get the results you wanted is worth it for yourself as a human who I admire!
Amazon Review
I enjoyed the book immensely and happy Reid could express himself. I had the opportunity to work with Reid and he was an investigator with great potential. It's too bad the CSL lost such a valuable employee. CSL should have developed someone like Reid for a leadership role, rather than try and destroy him. He was motivated and driven. It's unfortunate he had to go through this, but rest assured, he did the right thing. I wish Reid future success and to stay true to himself.
Amazon Review
I was an investigator at Lottery during this time and knew most of the people Reid wrote about. Reid described the culture accurately, and it only got worse after he left. After hire, I sensed an attitude from the upper non-sworn management of distrust and dislike of the sworn division and personnel, long before it became fashionable to hate cops as it is today. There are a lot of hard working well qualified investigators trying to do their job, but are restrained from doing so because the California Lottery is only interested in selling through retailers as many Lottery tickets as possible (enforcement and holding retailers and others accountable, get in the way). Being a California State Lottery Investigator is one of the best law enforcement/investigative jobs out there. Unfortunately, there is too much interference from upper non-sworn management. I believe there is definitely a conflict of interest having the investigation division report to the upper Lottery management as Reid expressed so well in his book. Maybe the investigative division should be placed under a separate agency which would help alleviate this problem (and please, not the California Highway Patrol!).
Amazon Review